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Your online intensive program for home. 
Exercise by exercise closer to body happiness.

Each episode consists of

  • an intro in which Benita Cantieni explains what is important in the training.
  • a training video for everything - pelvic floor, posture, endurance, strength and responsiveness. Each exercise is a full body exercise.
  • Plus, each episode comes with a glossary to download and reference. All workouts are also available as audio files.
  • You get a transcript for each unit so you can perform the instructions offline.

A good investment for people with high demands. You will love the new body feeling.

For flexibility, strength, beauty, well-being

Enjoy with the new training

  • targeted and intensive pelvic floor training 
  • good posture in everyday life (do you also catch yourself in a bad position and posture again and again?)
  • exercises that you can incorporate into your daily work routine
  • exercises that strengthen the entire body
  • a "full feeling" of muscle activation when doing them
  • the positive effect of foot posture on the whole body
  • exercises on the wall or standing, which you can do anywhere without any effort
  • the release of tension
  • exercises that give strength and beauty to the arms
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from 04/10/2025 on
Temporary subscription with three monthly payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS]. Cancellable on a monthly basis. Incl. taxes
Temporary subscription with three payments. First payment now of [1ST_AMOUNT].
Two monthly follow-up payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS] from 04/10/2025. Cancellable on a monthly basis. Incl. taxes
3 Easy payments of [AMOUNT]
[1ST_AMOUNT] is billed now. Two more payments will be billed monthly from 04/10/2025. Total amount billed is [TOTAL_AMOUNT]
[1ST_AMOUNT] is billed now. Two more payments of [OTHER_AMOUNTS] will be billed monthly from 04/10/2025. Total amount billed is [TOTAL_AMOUNT].
Three monthly payments
from 04/10/2025 on
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